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How to sign up for my trips:

All trip sign-ups will be taken on-line through this website. Use the tab in the menu that says "View & Book Trips."  Find the trip(s) you're interested in, and just click the "Book Now" button. It should be very self-explanatory. Currently, I am accepting payment by credit/debit card and by Apple Pay. At some point in the future, if there is sufficient demand, I may open up to taking other forms of payment (Pay-Pal, Venmo, good ol' cash, or personal checks). But for now, be prepared to enter your card number. Don't worry, the technical gurus have managed things so your information is safe.

GET $20 OFF YOUR FIRST TRIP. Select a trip (or multiple trips) that you want to book. When you go to the checkout process, click or tap the "Enter a Promo Code" and then enter FIRSTTIMER (no spaces).  It will take $20 off your total. THANK YOU!!

If a trip fills up, you can sign up for the wait list by contacting me directly. I'm keeping waiting lists manually for now. Hopefully at some point in the future there will be a function on my site that allows for people to add themselves to the waiting list. Again, sorry for that inconvenience.

Youth under age 18 are welcome on my trips, provided they attend with a parent or guardian. I don't specify any minimum age for my trips, but it's a good idea to consult with me if you want to bring a youngster and aren't sure if the trip is suitable for them.

I DO OFFER A DISCOUNT RATE FOR YOUTHS, which is $10 off the regular trip price. When you register a youth, look under the heading that says "Booking Summary" and click on "Add a Promo Code".  Then enter KIDCODE to get the discount. Let me know if any difficulties arise.


I can take last minute sign-ups, if there's a full trip and you want to show up and take a spot if there's a no-show.

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