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Walk 2/4 Whatcom Falls Park & Bellingham Lunch
We began at Bloedel-Donovan Park on the shores of Lake Whatcom

Typical trail conditions--maybe an inch of snow, packed down by others tracks.

Good traction was essential at times, whenever the trail had an up- or downhill.

A quiet stretch of creek here, where a small dam backs up Derby Pond

Caught a nice glimpse of a varied thrush near the Whatcom Falls Bridge

Surveying the main feature, Whatcom Falls.

The 25-foot falls was beautifully accented by the snow and ice around it.

The history of the park dates back about 100 years. People have been drawn to this spot for a long time.

The classic stone bridge was built by the Works Progress Administration in 1939

A nice stretch of snowy trail along Whatcom Creek

More views of the creek canyon. The area has recovered nicely from a 1999 gas pipeline explosion

Top of Whatcom Falls

Snow on the sword ferns

Da Vinci's Classic Subs was our lunch stop. Outstanding neighborhood shop.

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