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Walk 1/22 Cross Kirkland Corridor
Map boards like this are seen frequently along the trail. I highlighted the north-to-south route we took.

The Cross Kirkland Corridor (CKC) is part of a larger project called Eastrail, which hopes to connect over 40 miles of trail through the east side suburbs.

A small park near some new apartment buildings welcomes visitors to Totem Lake.

The morning sun felt good as we started walking in the 32 degree chill.

Yes Virginia, there IS a Totem Lake. What a great place for the birds and other wildlife.

The elevated walkway through the wetlands around Totem Lake. The non-skid deck surface was nice on this frosty morning.

Red-winged blackbirds love it here

If you listen closely, the birds songs make the city noise fade into the background.

The trail spirals upward to cross two busy arterial streets

From the spiral walkway, another overlook toward Totem Lake

Trail eventually settles into a quiet greenbelt, and often resembles this.

A mutant frog climbed up out of the trailside stream

A trailside shelter provides a resting spot, and informs visitors about the rail history

Another trailside attraction honoring the rail history, including a small cafe open a few hours a week.

Beach volleyball court in the middle of the trail? Yes (we're near the Google office campus here)

Oh, and the trail has views too. Looking across Lake Washington toward Seattle here.

The Olympics were brilliantly clear today!

Section of trail nearing the southern end

Coming to the end of the CKC section. The Eastrail corridor continues on southward into Bellevue.

We finished only a 5-minute drive from Carillon Point on Lake Washington, and took our lunch break here.

Looking at one of the Lake Washington residents doing his thing.

Swimmers in Lake Washington in January?? Yes-- a "sauna experience" business sits at Carillon Point (our group passed).

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