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Snowshoe 1/30 Smith Brook Valley
We started right along US2, about 3 miles east of Stevens Pass

Recent clear cold nights have caused thick layers of frost to accumulate on surfaces

Nason Creek is crossed on a road bridge right at the beginning of Smith Brook Road.

Easy snowshoeing on a packed down track on Smith Brook Road

Ventured off-road to find Smith Brook

Found a pleasant clearing by the creek (brook) for our lunch break.

Getting down close to the babbling brook

Smith Brook in it's winter cloak

All sorts of intricate patterns in the ice and snow.

I was especially enthralled by an almost perfect circle of ice, seen here

I could stand on thick ice built up in Smith Brook and look up- and downstream

Snow creature smiled as we walked by

Making our way gently back down the road

Heading back, with Arrowhead Mountain above

Examining the delicate frost formations

Nason Creek, right next to the highway.

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