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Snowshoe 1/25 Heather Meadows (alternate for Nooksack River)
Blue skies over Table Mountain

Sunlight filtered through the tall trees in the meadows

Reaching the summit of the visitors center

Nice sunny lunch break

There were tracks everywhere, but the untracked snow was nice and powdery

Looking down Bagley Lakes valley toward Mount Sefrit

Temps topped out around 30 degrees, and wind was calm, so it was quite comfortable.

Snowshoed alongside a partly-frozen section of Bagley Creek

Close-ups of the ice formations on the creek surface

Pretty easy travel on the firm packed snow

Loved the shadows and light below Table Mountain

Peek-a-boo, I see Mt. Larrabee

Snowshoe tracks leading right across Picture Lake toward Mt. Shuksan

The mighty Shuksan. never get tired of seeing this view.

Looking "the other way" across Picture Lake toward Mt. Herman. Yeah, not quite as impressive.

Oops, where'd all the snow go? This was the start of the "snowshoe" trail we were scheduled to do.

The frosty banks of the Nooksack River

The valley here gets little to no sunlight, so the frost had built up over the last several days

Frosty river rocks

Frosty tree limbs

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