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Hike 2/1 Anacortes Community Forest Lands Traverse
Whistle Lake, the first of 5 named lakes we would pass on our journey.

The distinctive Madrona trees alongside Whistle Lake.

Mount Erie rises above Whistle Lake

Temperatures hovered in the mid 30's, but we kept warm by keeping moving

The eye-catching patterns on the Rattlesnake Plantain

Saw all sorts of mushrooms in the forest too.

Nasty weather for a bit as we hiked along Heart Lake

The Great Heart Lake Blizzard of 2025.

Typical trail section through the forest.

Oddball fungus

Some late afternoon clearing gave the forest a nice touch of color

My new hairdo, a lichen blonde ponytail.

Peeking through the trees toward Mitten Pond.

Little Cranberry Lake, our final lake along the route.

Madrona leaning out over the lake

Late afternoon at Little Cranberry Lake

Arriving at the finishing trailhead.

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