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Hike 1/17 Franklin Falls / Denny Creek
Thin snow cover on the Franklin Falls Trail

Most of the trail was packed snow and ice, necessitating traction devices

Lots of huge old growth along the trail

A peak into a snowy canyon of the Snoqualmie River

First sight of Franklin Falls

Icicles clung to the cliff walls thanks to the sub-freezing temps

Traffic roars by on the high elevated roadway, oblivious to what's below

River rocks were coated in a layer of ice

The river bank looked like broken glass-- the icy formations built up by the spray from the falls

Look for the water droplets flowing underneath the coating of ice

Trying to capture every image of the falls beauty

It wasn't the snowy spectacle I had hoped it would be, but was still a special sight.

Ice on everything

Ice formations on a rock stair step on the trail

The footbridge over Denny Creek

Crossing under the freeway on a forest trail

Entering the wilderness area, the traffic noise faded away

Denny Creek Waterslides, a fun water play area in the summer

The waterslides

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